Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Red Calculator

The "Murphy" Electronic Calculator

The "Murphy" electronic calculator makes the difficult arithmetic involved in outbidding your political rivals easy. 

A carefully designed ergonomic keyboard allows speedy input of your additional 1000 pledges.

*Available in Red, Blue or whatever colour seems popular

Monday, 5 January 2015

Giant Pound Sale

Unbeatable Value!     Never lose a pound coin again!
Get some real political currency in your pocket!   As seen on TV!

 The Scaremonger has secured a large stock of Giant and Extra-large pound coins. An essential campaign tool the Giant Pound has been seen at carefully planned spontaneous events all over Scotland and beyond. Now you too can own a personal supply of these expertly crafted Giant Pounds.

SPECIAL OFFER: Order a Giant Pound today and get a free penny!

Precision built in our dedicated facility
Perfect for hiding behind!

Kids love them!
Personalise with your favourite face!

Special "who am I?" editions.

Have a rubbish parade!